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General Terms and Conditions applicable to Use of a Web Site.

Privacy Policy

iNeverWinAnything is committed to user privacy. This policy outlines our personal information handling practices. If you give us personal information, we will treat it according to this policy.

This policy covers Please be advised that our advertisers all have their own, possibly different, policies. Should you click through one of our links and travel to one of our advertisers, we encourage you to read the privacy policies provided on the advertisers sites, and those of all web sites you visit.

Below is a summary of’s online privacy policy.

Types and uses of personal information.

Your personal information is used in the following ways:

Email address: Our email newsletters.

Should you provide us with your email address, we are committed to preserving your confidentiality. We will never share your email address with other sites, nor will we provide you with any emailed information other than what you requested in these newsletters.

Email Correspondence

Used to raise and respond to issues and inquiries of all types. Also used to distribute our daily newsletters on an opt in basis only. This means you will not get any newsletters unless you specifically subscribe to them. We will only use your email address to send you requested newsletters and to reply to your questions or comments.

Linked web sites

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Children’s privacy

We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 18. If we learn that we have personal information on a child under the age of 18, we will delete that information from our systems. iNeverWinAnything encourages parents to go online with their kids. Here are a few tips to help make a child’s online experience safer:

Teach kids never to give personal information, unless supervised by a parent or responsible adult. Includes name, address, phone, school, etc.
Know the sites your kids are visiting and which sites are appropriate.
Look for Web site privacy policies. Know how your child’s information is treated.
Check out the FTC’s site(1) for more tips on protecting children’s privacy online.

Updating your subscription information

We need your help in making sure your personal information is correct in our systems. If you have joined one of our free emailed updates, please notify us of changes to your email address. Either log into your account, or send us a mail at: info @ iNeverWinAnything (dot com) and let us know which address to remove and which address to replace it with.


Each email newsletter has instructions on how to unsubscribe.

Any other questions? Please contact us directly at: info @ iNeverWinAnything (dot com).

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