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Win New Game Consoles, Big-Screen TVs, Amazon Gift Cards and More!

Win New Game Consoles, Big-Screen TVs, Amazon Gift Cards and More!

Enter the IGN Riddick Gamescom Sweepstakes and win an Xbox One console, a Sony PlayStation 4 console, a Samsung 50″ 1080p Slim Smart LED TV, and a $500 Amazon gift card! A $3,197 value. Ends September 8th, 2013. Good Luck!

Click Here to Enter to Win!

Win a Four-Night Trip to Hawaii!

Win a Four-Night Trip to Hawaii!

Enter the Honolulu Jewelry Company’s Turtle Beach Vacation Giveaway and win a four-night trip to Hawaii including airfare and a hotel stay! Ends May 31, 2014. Good Luck!

Click Here to Enter to Win!

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