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Win Thousands of Instant Game Day Prizes!

Win Thousands of Instant Game Day Prizes!

Enter the Game Day Giveaway for your chance to win thousands of instant prizes. This giveaway ends on February 28th, 2014.

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Win a $3,000 GUESS Shopping Spree!

Win a $3,000 GUESS Shopping Spree!

Enter the Guess Factory Store GUESS List Fall Sweepstakes and win a $3,000 GUESS shopping card! A $3,000 value. Ends November 2nd, 2013. Good Luck!

Click Here to Enter to Win!

Win a 7 Night Disney Family Cruise

Win a 7 Night Disney Family Cruise

Take to the seas in the High Seas Sweepstakes and you could win a 7-Night Family Vacation on Disney Cruise Line. 10 runners up will receive free Jake Adventure Packs. Hurry, this giveaway ends on September 29th.

Click Here to Enter to Win!

Win a Trip to LA with Airfare and Cash!

Win a Trip to LA with Airfare and Cash!

Enter for your chance to win a VIP trip to LA including airfare, car service, $250 spending cash, and a VIP visit to the set of the new hit shot Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Hurry, this giveaway ends on October 15th.

Click Here to Enter to Win!

Win a Buick or GMC vehicle Worth up to $65,000!

Win a Buick or GMC vehicle Worth up to $65,000!

Enter the GMC 2013 Buick National Sweepstakes and win a 2014 Buick or GMC vehicle! Up to a $66,555 value. Ends December 31st, 2013. Good Luck!

Click Here to Enter to Win!

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