Win Prizes Everyday!

Win a Cyber Power PC!

Win a Cyber Power PC!

Enter the Halloween Sweepstakes from New Egg and you could win one of 12 amazing electronics themed prizes including a Cyber Power PC Gamer Xtreme H400 valued at $1,549. Hurry, this giveaway ends on October 31st.

Click Here to Enter to Win!

Win a 12-Day Mediterranean Cruise!

Win a 12-Day Mediterranean Cruise!

Enter to win a 12-day Princess Mediterranean Cruise for two with airfare. This giveaway ends on November 22nd.

Click Here to Enter to Win!

Win a Pampered Chef Shopping Spree!

Win a Pampered Chef Shopping Spree!

Enter to win a $2,000 pampered chef shopping spree and a $1,500 IGA gift card. There are 202 other prizes you could also win. This giveaway ends on October 1st.

Click Here to Enter to Win!

Win a 10 Day Cruise with Holland America!

Win a 10 Day Cruise with Holland America!

Enter to win a 10-day Alaska cruise and receive a free travel Alaska guide. This giveaway ends on April 30th.

Click Here to Enter to Win!

Win a Pot Shirt!

Win a Pot Shirt!

Enter to win a free pot t-shirt. Do you think marijuana should be legal? Share your opinion and win a free shirt.

Click Here to Enter to Win!

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