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Expired! Smiley 360: Win a Queen Sleep Number 360 mattress and base

Is your bed just not cutting it? Well here is your shot a winning a better nights sleep. Enter the Smiley 360 Summer 2019 Smarter Sleep Sweepstakes and win a Queen Sleep Number 360 mattress and base plus Premium Delivery & Setup! Only the Sleep Number 360 smart bed lets you choose your ideal firmness, comfort, and support on each side. Throughout the night, the bed senses your every move and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. Every morning, the bed shows you how well you’re sleeping based on your SleepIQ score. Complete with personalized insights for your best sleep. A $2897.99 value. Open to residents of the United States, including the District of Columbia (excluding residents of Alaska, Hawaii and Rhode Island), 18 and older. This is a single entry sweepstakes. Ends September 22nd, 2019. Good Luck! Just click the highlighted link to enter.

  1. My husband and I have wanted the sleep master. He can sleep the way he wants and I can do my thing.


  2. sounds great. I would love to have one for my aches and pains would disappear. Ah restful sleep


  4. This would be a godsend to us! Both My husband and I have chronic back problems and sleep problems. We always wanted to try this!I would love to have a great nights sleep for once!

  5. Oh,wow: What a special treat for two older citizens. Would love to sleep through the night and not have hip pain. My husband would breath easier. Fantastic offer.

  6. I have been looking for a good mattress for quite a long time now. My mattress was passed down thru friends, to more friends, and those friends passed it down to me. It is many, MANY years old, after all the kids of all my friends slept on it too. It is raised in the middle, and both sides are much lower, you can’t roll over, because you just roll right back, from lots of wear and tear. This will tell you just how OLD it is, it has race cars on it. So embarresing. I am a 67 yr old Grandma, on a very fixed income, or I would have had a new set long ago just for ME. I only make $791.00 a month of Soc. Sec. and SSI. for

  7. I really could use this mattress. I have back and neck problems and I need a good mattress but I can’t afford one

  8. This would be so wonderful to win

  9. Sr. Citizen request, please let us win a comfortable night sleep! Thank you.

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